A story powered through handicrafts

Snare keychains

Snares, recovered from Wildlife Works protected area in Tsavo, are converted into meaningful keychains.

A little token with a big impact story: disarming the poachers and protecting the wildlife!

ABOUT THE snare keychains

In wildlife areas, poachers use metal snare to try catch game meat, for example giraffes, zebras and antilopes. Poaching is illegal in Kenya.

Unarmed rangers from Wildlife Works patrol 200 hectares of protected lands, habitat for african wildlife like the elephant. The snares they find are removed from the natural areas and are brought to the headquarters.

Here the Hadithi Artisans from Maasai groups are invited to make them into charming keychains and metal decorations.

The sales provide a livelihood to the artisan and disarm the poachers.