Handmade crafts made of soft stretchy cotton, recycled from the Wildlife Works Ecofactory off-cuts. In our 2018 basket series the cotton is mixed plain natural sisal. The naturally off-white sisal is the perfect neutral colour to break up the bright cotton fabrics, and adds sturdiness to the basket.
about the ladies
These products were developed after a one week workshop and training to which two women of four different nearby groups were invited. Their talent and creativity led to a good collaboration and ongoing relation between the Hadithi Crafts and Wildlife Works Ecofactory.
About the upcycled yarn
Waste is no Waste in the Wildlife Works Ecofactory thanks to the Hadithi partnership. When cotton T-shirts have been cut from rolls of fabric, we get permission to use the left overs. This way, the brand new raw material turns into handicrafts where it otherwise becomes waste.
For now we make Taita baskets from the bigger scraps. available in XS, S and M. Smaller pieces of fabric are turned into soft cotton necklaces, and the smallest pieces, too small or thin to be turned into a basket or necklace, are made into rolls of twine and recycled rugs.